100% pure merino, I just love this fabric. I also like to wear merino myself, so it is only natural that baby's wardrobe and accessories also have merino featured in it too.
Like the previous wrap I used a bias binding in silk this time. It was a little harder as the silk was slippery and the merino is so soft.
I cut this wrap a little smaller so it is 80cm x 80cm square, it is a good size.
Almost a little Christmasy, don't you think?
It was hard for me to choose colours when you don't know the sex, but I really love the bright colours of the green and red.
The only thing I didn't have were light weight beanies, so I brought the cream one and made two more out of the left over wrap fabric.
I think they turned out quite well. The red beanie is a bit too thick as it is a double knit cotton, it was my first attempt.
So I had a big sewing afternoon yesterday, which also included the cover I made for the change mat. I will post that in a few days.